Brookside Psychiatric Specialists is a mental healthcare practice dedicated to serving clients of all genders with mental health concerns related to pregnancy, postpartum, menopause, and menstruation.
Proudly serving Virginia in these regions:
Blue Ridge Highlands
Central Virginia
Hampton Roads
Shenandoah Valley
West Central
Newport News
These cities and towns represent just a sample of the places that we serve in these various regions of Virginia.
Proudly serving Virginia in these regions:
Blue Ridge Highlands
Central Virginia
Hampton Roads
Newport News
Shenandoah Valley
West Central
These cities and towns represent just a sample of the places that we serve in these various regions of Virginia.
With telehealth, high-quality, specialized mental health care is at your fingertips
Anywhere you live, specialized care, like the reproductive psychiatry services we offer, can be hard to access. Most of our clients are busy moms who tell us that having appointments on their computer or phone isn’t just convenient, it’s the difference between getting care and not.
Our Mission: To improve the health and well-being of our clients through respectful, compassionate, comprehensive mental healthcare focused on the specialty needs of the unique population we serve.
Our Vision: A future where those in need, no matter where they live, can easily access high-quality, specialty mental health care that not only effectively treats illness, but also promotes healthier, more fulfilling lives.
Our values: Authentic, unconditional positive regard for all humans.
With telehealth, high-quality, specialized mental health care is at your fingertips
Anywhere you live, specialized care, like the reproductive psychiatry services we offer, can be hard to access. Most of our clients are busy moms who tell us that having appointments on their computer or phone isn’t just convenient, it’s the difference between getting care and not.
Our Mission: To improve the health and well-being of our clients through respectful, compassionate, comprehensive mental healthcare focused on the specialty needs of the unique population we serve.
Our Vision: A future where those in need, no matter where they live, can easily access high-quality, specialty mental health care that not only effectively treats illness, but also promotes healthier, more fulfilling lives.
Our values: Authentic, unconditional, positive regard for all humans.
Do any of these sound like you?
- Are you pregnant, or have you had a baby in the last 1-2 years and are feeling down, empty, angry, anxious, or having other concerning mood changes?
- Are you already taking psychiatric medications and want guidance from an expert about continuing them during pregnancy or breastfeeding?
- Are you breastfeeding or pumping and struggling with intense emotions related to lactation?
- Are you trying to conceive or planning to try to conceive and want to optimize your mental health medications for pregnancy or breastfeeding?
- Have you had depression or anxiety during or after previous pregnancies and want to prevent it for a future pregnancy?
- Have you been experiencing severe changes in your mood before your menstrual period?
- Have you started having more anxiety or depression surrounding menopause?
Do any of these sound like you?
- Are you pregnant, or have you had a baby in the last 1-2 years and are feeling down, empty, angry, anxious, or having other concerning mood changes?
- Are you already taking medications for mental health and are pregnant, want to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding or pumping but have been told you need to stop your medications? Or are you feeling unsure whether to continue taking psychiatric medications during pregnancy or breastfeeding and want guidance from an expert?
- Are you breastfeeding or pumping and struggling with intense emotions related to lactation?
- Are you trying to conceive or planning to try to conceive and want to optimize your mental health medications for pregnancy or breastfeeding?
- Have you had depression or anxiety during or after previous pregnancies and want to prevent it for a future pregnancy?
- Have you been experiencing severe changes in your mood before your menstrual period?
- Have you started having more anxiety or depression surrounding menopause?
We specialize in the mental healthcare of women and other people with female reproductive hormones, so we understand their unique needs in not only treating conditions like depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and trauma, but also in helping them achieve mental health and wellness overall.
As a medical practice, medication management is the core of our treatment services. We combine medication management with psychotherapy so you get high-quality, well-rounded care.
Don’t hesitate, bring all your pregnancy and postpartum medication needs and questions to us!
Before pregnancy is the best time to get your mental health treatment optimized so you can enjoy your next chapter without the stress of depression, anxiety, or other mental health problems. Meet with us for a consultation to optimize your mental health medications and treatment plan and start your journey on the right foot. We offer:
Preconception counseling for medication and treatment plan optimization

Before pregnancy is the best time to get your mental health treatment optimized so you can enjoy your next chapter without the stress of depression, anxiety, or other mood or anxiety problems. Meet with us for a consultation to optimize your mental health medications and treatment plan and start your journey on the right foot. We offer:
Preconception counseling for medication and treatment plan optimization



Other Services
The hormonal changes of menstruation and menopause can cause new or worsened mental health problems for many women. If you are concerned about your mental health related to these hormonal changes, reach out to schedule an appointment. We commonly treat:
Telehealth puts highly specialized mental healthcare in your reach.
Have you ever wished you could talk with a medical professional, get the help you need, and not have to leave home? Do you live out of town or where healthcare services are limited? Maybe you have children at home that you can’t leave. Whatever the reason, telehealth makes it possible for you to get care where you are.
Our Vision: A future where those in need, no matter where they live, can easily access high-quality, specialty mental health care that not only effectively treats illness, but also promotes healthier, more fulfilling lives.